the elephant in the room Inflatable
This sculpture of the famous elephant Tuffy, who fell from a suspension railway, was created for the Wuppertal Opera House. In the opera "The Potion of Love" the elephant literally fell from the ceiling. The stage design was created by director and stage designer Stephan Prattes.
- Client: Wuppertaler Bühnen
- Dimension: 36 m²
- Leistung: Design, Produktion
Für das Wuppertaler Opernhaus entstand diese Skulptur des berühmten Elefanten Tuffy, der aus einer Schwebebahn fiel. In der Oper „Der Liebestrank“ fiel der Elefant buchstäblich von der Decke. Das Bühnenbild stammt von Regisseur und Bühnenbildner Stephan Prattes.